Treatment of deforming arthrosis of the hip joint 1, 2, 3 degrees. Home, sanatorium and drug treatment of coxarthrosis.
22 June 2021
Often, low back pain indicates the development of pathology. There are two main groups of diseases in which low back pain syndrome develops: problems with the spine, diseases of the internal organs. Let's take a closer look at the causes of back pain.
10 June 2021
Thoracic lumbar osteochondrosis is less common than cervical or lumbar osteochondrosis and has a number of characteristics. The main method of combating osteochondrosis is the long-term use of chondroprotectors.
25 April 2021
Cervical osteochondrosis and headache - is there a connection? Why does the head hurt with cervical spine osteochondrosis?
9 April 2021
Cervical osteochondrosis: causes, symptoms and 4 stages of the disease. Diagnosis and treatment of cervical spine osteochondrosis - medication, physiotherapy, surgery, nutrition.
9 April 2021
What is osteoarthritis of the knee joint, symptoms, causes, treatment (injections, pills), how to prevent the disease, how to eat.
8 April 2021
What is osteochondrosis and how dangerous is this disease? We study the initial signs and symptoms of osteochondrosis and the correct treatment of the pathology.
8 April 2021